What is Athens 2040 all about?

Athens 2040 is about your vision and goals for the future of Athens. The Get Involved page will be going live soon with interactive tools for you to participate and watch the home page for upcoming events!

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A comprehensive plan is a policy document that details the City’s long-term vision and goals, and outlines the steps necessary to achieve them. The plan is intended to guide growth and development in an organized, efficient, and sustainable manner. To do so, it looks to the future to anticipate trends and issues that could impact how growth and development occur. The plan is long range in scope, focusing on the ultimate needs of the community rather than the pressing concerns of today.

Key Dates

April 22     Community Kick-Off

May 15-19     Planapalooza!

Why is Athens updating its Comprehensive Plan?

While the planning horizon for a Comprehensive Plan is typically 20-30 years, it’s important to review and update the plan in the interim to ensure the vision described in the plan is still the vision residents have for the community. The City’s existing Comprehensive Plan (https://www.athensalabama.us/252/Future-Land-Use-Plans) was adopted in 2013. Since that time, many new opportunities have been presented and the City is seeing a large amount of growth. With extensive public participation, residents will create a playbook for the City that outlines the steps needed to achieve the community’s vision.


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Are You Ready to Get Involved?

Project Timeline

Project Kick-off

Specific Planning

Draft Plan

Final Plan & Adoption